Thursday, July 17, 2008



New story ..there are some loop holes but totally the story is good.Story creates intrest for rotine indian movie lovers. Using sunami dates and butterfly effect in movie is intresting



kamal is just tremendous. Kamal has 10 different get-ups in this film . He has shown complete variation in expressions , body language and mackup of each and every character. If you are not aware of that fact that kamal is acting in 10 different characters in this film, you might end up watching this film without recognizing kamal in 10 characters. Kamal steals the show esp in indian police, nabiar and villan characters.

Mallika sherawat:

She is really hot and liveed up to her reputation as sex symbol. Mallika who is known for her glamorous looks, has a performance oriented role in this film and proved herself extremely competent as an actress.She has short role and she did well.

Others also did well

Screenplay - direction:

The best part of director is the terrific characterizations and appropriate casting. They way he introduced characters and established them is excellent. He should have taken more care.

Mack up and graphics:

These are the worst part of the movie, decreases the standard from hollywood to kollywood


Music by Himesh is ok. BGM by Devi is also ok


Photography is of top class. Artwork is inspiring. Action sequences are excellent. Production values are very rich(care should be taken).


First half of the film is very good. Second half is good. The narration has become slow in the second half.Go watch it twice

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